Friday, July 20, 2012

Count your (my) blessings

You know what our father does?  He blesses people.  And sometimes, he blesses the heck out of people.  I think now is a good time to reflect on some of the blessings I've received since I came to Russia.

-- I have raised almost twice the amount of money I needed to come here, and I sent out very few letters; people that I don't know or didn't ask to donate have been supporting my work here. 

-- Despite being completely submerged during the flood, these appliances are back in working order: microwave, toaster, washing machine, refrigerator, oven, and CAR.  Completely submerged!

-- On a whim I accepted a friend's invitation to come live with her and her family, and they happen to be a very faithful family and amazing people. 

-- All of the counselors at English Camp believe and half of them live in Novorossyisk, so I got a great group of friends and a great community right off the bat

-- I'm really needed here, which seems like a silly thing to call a blessing but trust me, it is

That's the short-list of blessings.  Here's the less serious list:

-- I didn't die after eating shuarma from the market

-- My Russian mom is a fabulous cook

-- You can get a watermelon for $1.50

-- I can use the public transportation independently

-- We have kittens in the house

-- I can suddenly cook in Russia like I've never cooked before

I've always said that he blesses us, because that's the right thing to say.  It's a silly idea of course, but I think we get used to giving "right" answers even if we don't really believe it or haven't experienced it for ourselves.  Now I can say that he really does bless us; I've seen it with my own eyes.

Пока ребята, Russian Jane

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