Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving - Part One

Personally, I'm crazy about Thanksgiving.  Nothing beats Christmas, but for me, Thanksgiving runs a close second.  So am I going to let being halfway around the world stop me from celebrating? You bet I'm not. (Note: the municipality in Madi's neighborhood abruptly shut off their water, so Thanksgiving at their home was impossible).

I've got the turkey (yes, I found a whole, beautiful 10lb turkey at the market), the potatoes, the pumpkins, the green beans; true, I have to make everything from scratch, but it should be a pretty traditional meal.  I'll celebrate with my family here and a few of my closest friends, and I'm really looking forward to it.

What's different this year, aside from the location obviously, is the multitude of big things that I have to be thankful for.  Don't get me wrong, God has blessed me and my family abundantly, but this year, having made such a big transition in my life, it's easy to see God's hand in everything.

So, what am I thankful for?

I'm thankful for the wonderful family and friends I have in America, and the wonderful church where I grew up, who are all supporting me in this new adventure (that includes all of you who keep up with me here!).  I'm thankful for the family I live with now; I couldn't have found better people.  I'm thankful for my new job, and the people I get to work with.  I'm thankful that I've always had the visas and documents I needed to stay in Russia.  I'm thankful that we have running water and electricity, especially after so many people lost so much in the flood this summer.  I'm thankful that God takes care of my every need in a foreign country where so many things could potentially go wrong.

Me and my grandmas, Thanksgiving '09. No, the matching outfits weren't planned.

For people preparing Thanksgiving dinner, for people traveling to be with family, I know these next few days will be hectic to say the least.  And though it sounds trite, I'd encourage you to take a moment and remember what you're thankful for.  It can change your whole outlook on things.

Пока ребята and God bless you this Thanksgiving,

Russian Jane

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